Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tooht Returns mans sight.

An Irishman who lost his sight in an explosion has his sight returned. A doctor put his sons tooth in the eye and now the Irish man can see.


(Comments please)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Cleaning tip.

For all the ladies who may “pass this way.” Direct from, of all places “The Old Farmers Almanac.” A helpful cleaning tip.

"Yellowed linens can be brightened with denture-cleaning tablets. Dissolve tablets (according to package directions) in a sink or washbasin of warm water. Add the stained linens and soak until the discoloration is gone. Wash as usual. "


Try at your very own peril.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Justice Thomas

I don’t know how you feel about Justice Clarence Thomas? Here is a good site about him.

Enjoy and please comment.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Welfare and drug test (?)

A sophomore with medical problems from a drug birth, an essay and a congress man are working on this law once more.

The site,,2933,322605,00.html

Your thoughts Please.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Second Try ( :D)

Here is our 5th wheel setup and ready to enjoy.

This river was kind enought to provide a very relaxing
sound as it passed by the camp.

We were also able to enjoy the wonderful sight
of snow in the high Sierra's.

And time to just sit by a warming fire and do one of
the more important things, relax!

We had a wonderful four days.


(This day has not been a loss, I have learned something!)

A learning curve (?)

My comments and pictures did nor come out the way I had planed. But, have no fear, I will try somemore.


A quite weekend

Our 5th wheel parked and ready to enjoy!
Two pictures of the snow caped mountains we could see from the park.

Here we sit, warming fire and my wonderful wife. Just enjoying the evening.
A quite weekend is just what my wife and I have returned from. We spent four days in a RV park at Threerivers, Ca. and had a wonderful time. There were three main goals for the weekend, eat, sleep and read. We were able to both meet and or exceed these goals.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I saw this picture yesterday and spent some time just thinking, dangerous for me to do. I hope I never forget the radio commentator I was listening to that morning and the emotions that flowed from his voice and out of the radio.
This is not my picture. But it is a tribute to the innocent who gave their lives on that day of unspeakable violence.

“As the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack approaches, a test of the Tribute in Light Memorial illuminates a passing cloud above lower Manhattan. The twin towers of light, made-up of 44 searchlights near Ground Zero, are meant to represent the fallen twin towers of the World Trade Center. Depending on weather conditions, the columns of light can be seen for at least 20 miles around the trade center complex. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Public Affairs 2nd Class Mike Hvozda Date Taken: 12/11/2007,”

May we, as a nation, never allow that day to pass from our collective memories.

Monday, February 11, 2008

At prey in the field of the Lord

Here is an interesting one.
I found this article this morning and desided to publish it.

At Prey in the Fields of the Lord
Robert Riggio has made a career out of conning priests and parishes by phone. If he calls you, hang up.

I, as one trying to be Christ like, do try to help those in need. Many years ago I stopped giving cash, need food follow me to the story. Need gas for your car, follow me to the station. Need your utilities paid, bring me the statement. You could not believe the times I have been cursed out because I would not give someone money, all I asked if they wanted money for food. “Follow me into the restaurant and I will feed you.” NO! They want the cash and will curse me instead.
Sorry, I want to see where my hard earned cash goes!!
Just my way of doing it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

One more Miracle

In all the destruction and mystification, of the tornados that went through the mid south there was a miracle. This little baby was picked up, carried almost one hundard yards and left to rest with almost no harm. The sadness is that his mother was killed in the destruction.
CASTALIAN SPRINGS, Tennessee (CNN) -- Armed with nothing but a flashlight and finding no signs of life, firefighter David Harmon made one final search of tornado wreckage and made the discovery of a lifetime. "I shined the flashlight across it and said 'I've got a baby doll.' And before I got 'I've got a baby doll' out of my mouth, it moved," Harmon said.
In pitch darkness, in the middle of a field, Harmon found a baby boy covered with mud and debris.
"As soon as we rolled the baby over, it took a gasp of air and started crying," he said.
Eleven-month-old Kyson Stowell was thrown a hundred yards when a tornado shattered his home. He was found shivering but with only minor injuries. His mother, Kerri, was killed.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Day After.

Well here we are the day after Super Tuesday. What has changed? Not much for me, just a little added confusion as to who will be the set candidates for the two Political Parties. To lift the title from an old movie, “the good, the bad and the ugly,” but PLEASE don’t ask me which is which. At this point in time, I plan to just sit back, read a lot, and follow the print media, the radio media and the news on the net along with a few blogs. By doing this I hope to follow, not only, who says what but who does what as well.

Yes, as the Election Day gets closer I will be asking my Lord for some guidance. As I write these words my mind goes to a story I heard some time back. “A man and his wife were getting ready to go vote. Well we need to ask the Lord to guide us, was his comment. I don’t need to, I’ve already made up my mind, was her response. No, I am not quite that bad.
I would love to read comments or ideas.


Friday, February 1, 2008

A new defination to TERRORISTS.

I just read this and it made my insides do a flip / flop.
Sad oh so very heart moving. If this is correct I may be having a new set of fellings for al-Qaeda terrorists.

Here is the link to the BBC

I would really like to read your feeling about this news article.


A Nice quite ride.

One of the things I so enjoyed was a trip to Tehachapi Ca. There is a glider school located at the airport in Tehachapi. This little glider field was good enough to be a NASA training point. Several times I was able to go there just for the thrill of being able to ride in the front seat of a glider. These craft have NO power supply, no motor of any kind. You are hooked to a Cessna 182 by a thirty-fife foot steel cable and under or a little to the side of the front seat is a leaver. The pull plane would get you air born and moving toward the Tehachapi mounts at about sixty knots (about sixty-five to seventy miles per hour) and five hundred feet in the air. The pilot would let you know when to pull the lever, releasing the cable and everything changed. The forward motion almost stops. The nose of the guilder dipped just a little as the pilot would roll a little one way or the other, looking for an up draft to carry us higher. Quite and still it is so very quite, there are only two sounds. One is the popping of the fabric wings as they make their way through the air. The other sound is the whistle of the wind as the craft movers through the air that is caring it. You seem to be hanging in the air. The sense of motion is very close to gone. Have you ever stood and watched a bird of pray as it glided through the air, or circles. This is the closest I can describe how you feel, the ground just passes below you so quite with only your shadow now and then, as it moves alone the mountains to show that you are moving. The guilder moves in a slow circle as it comes closer and closer to the mountains. All at once the whole craft seems to jump straight up. As the pilot rolls the gilder into the updraft that we have just found. You just guide in a large circle, just a lazy circle as you go higher and higher, then you just seem to float, like sitting on top of a mound of whipped cream, the upward motion has stopped. You have reached the top of the updraft. Such a smoothness as you move through the air without effort, without power and without sound. Once more you float along just watching the hills and valleys pass quietly beneath you. You move through the air with the feeling that no one or nothing can hear you on the ground as you effortlessly move along the mountains. One day it was a little cloudy, you just moved through these mounds of whipped cream quietly and effortlessly. I could not help but think of the large birds I have seen in the air. I can remember as a child outside of Bakersfield seeing a huge brown bird in the air. You could stand and watch them for what seems hours and they never moved their wings, they just floated on the element we call air. Later I learned these huge birds were Condors. And here I am riding in the same elements as these huge birds just floating in the air no sound almost no sense of movement, only a passing shadow seen now and then on the ground below us. A time when you can consider the glory of our great God, reflect on what little problems you are having. As you look from one side to the other and enjoy the beauty and the glory He has allowed us to not just have but to see and enjoy. To float among the clouds of God and enjoy the thoughts of His glory and Majesty that we are allowed to get pleasure from His creation. To sit with your back to the pilot and allow the tears of gratitude to roll down your face as you reflect on Him and rejoice in knowing Him.