Friday, June 26, 2009

We hope you enjoy our pictures.

The Meteorite Crater.

I have read and seen many photos of this crater. Then for self to have to privilege stand on the rim / edge and gaze around the perimeter and look into the bottom was aw inspiring. It is one more sight. The size you try to grasp as you are this is close to unbelievable; I really did not grasp the true size of this hole caused by a visitor from the unknown. As I walked about taking the pictures below, I could not help but think about the glory, majesty and love of out God. It does not matter how hard we may be hit! He will keep us our proper place moving in the proper or correct direction. One day I will have another great privilege, to see the beauty and majesty of the one I have heard of. Then face to face.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just a thought.

Here I sit in a Bed and Breakfast in the middles of Council Grove Ka. As I Am drinking my coffee I was reading a wooden panel. Here are a few of those words for your consideration this morning.

A narrow mind has a broad tongue.
The man who is too old to learn, has probably be too old to learn.
He who has four and spends five, has no need of a purse.
Experience is one thing that you cannot get for nothing.
He who lives on hope alone has a slender diet.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's down the road we go! (3)

Here is a new meaning to a painted

One of the old steam engines that use to run to the Grand Canyon and back.

My Bride and I at Williams.

This is the court house in Kingmon Az. where Bro & Sis Tredway were married over sixty years ago.

The Colorado River.

The desert just beofre coming into Az.

We are having a great time. We were in Service tonight with the Muncy's, pictures to follow. Man! It was raining only as it can rain in the midsouth. We have a lot of pictures and plan to post more, when we get to a little faster WiFi.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's down the road we go! (2)

Depending on your time zone, it is either 9:26 Mountain time or 8:26 Coast time. Either way I am tired tonight. My bride and I have covered some ground today. Just missed the Grand Canyon train ride, we will do it on the way home. Stopped at the sight where our wonderful world was punched by a meteor. A long time ago, I have read some about and seen lots of pictures, then to stand on the rim and look across and down into it. Dry, desolate and foreboding describes this place then to stop and consider the power and the glory of my Lord. To be driving in wonderful tall pines and then once more to see only sage brush with so many varied colors. YES! We are having a great trip. Yes, I do have lots of pictures. I am hoping to be into Bro. Muncy’s area early enough to load them on too our computers for your viewing.

As we pass this way!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's down the road we go!

Yes, my bride and I have started our first road trip. Our first real stop will be to see our friends of days gone by Bro & Sis Lee Jay Muncy.
We talk of them often and because of their health have not been able to travel in the last several years, so we are going to them.

As I pass this way today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Babies in the freezer (?)

A verdict is due this week in "the babes in the freezer" case, in which a French mother is accused of murdering three of her children. BBC Paris correspondent Emma Jane Kirby reports on the mixture of horror and sympathy that the story has aroused.

Here is the web site for this sad story.

Sad news;

Once more wee see the words of Paul, without natural affections.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Something to pounder today.

This is the place you and I call to get answers to our computer problems (?)

Yes! India.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Education ?

"The Economic Impact of the Achievement Gap in America's Schools" (April 2009) said, "Several other facts paint a worrisome picture. First, the longer American children are in school, the worse they perform compared to their international peers. In recent cross-country comparisons of fourth grade reading, math, and science, US students scored in the top quarter or top half of advanced nations. By age 15 these rankings drop to the bottom half. In other words, American students are farthest behind just as they are about to enter higher education or the workforce."

Walter Williams at:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Life is like a mountain railroad!
Man! Did it make a sharp curve and head downhill Tuesday night.

In just about fifteen minutes life’s road really made an unexpected turn!

After Tuesday night after Bible Study, Virginia and I returned home and got comfortable to do a little reading before turning in. When Virginia called my name from the bathroom, I knew that we were in for a night. She was vomiting and had diarrhea; my first thought was a full blown heart attack because of some of her past health problems. As the Ambulance personal were moving her they commented about both, this made me realize that Virginia was bleeding internally. Her blood pressure had dropped to 55 / 35. To make a long story short, four and a half days later, two units of blood later, the cauterizing of a half dollar size ulcer later, thirty-six hours without sleep and much praying my bride is back home.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pictures of Frisco (1)

Thank you Sis. Karen for your description of the museum we so enjoyed it and the wonderful views.

A church in the distant fog.

Can you amigan a place like this in the middle of Frisco?

The skyline set the morning fog.

A pool of water in on the museum grounds.

A amphia theater set in the mist of Frisco. This is part of Frisco before the 1906 quake.

The museum of science is also in the same area.
I will try to offer more photos in the next few days.