Thursday, August 27, 2009

A losing star.

"Astronomers have found what appears to be a gigantic suicidal planet.
The odd, fiery planet is so close to its star and so large that it is triggering tremendous plasma tides on the star. Those powerful tides are in turn warping the planet's zippy less-than-a-day orbit around its star.
The result: an ever-closer tango of death, with the planet eventually spiraling into the star."

This my thought this morning as I read this story. How many good, bad or indifferent people, have you watched do a, Tango of death, as they seem to boob and sway closer and closer to that which will end in a fiery death?

Just a thought as I pass through this day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gene Jenkins a friend.

Today is a sad day for me. Yesterday morning my son called to let me know that a very dear and old friend had gone to be in the presents of his Lord. Gene Jenkins was a great man to me. He had a very positive affect not only in my life but the life of my two sons. Gene was a very quiet man, a man of deep conviction and purpose. From working in a small grocery store to a large grocery store, to teaching school, to teaching high school and even to keeping both the school and church yards manicured. Gene was always Gene a very warm greeting, big smile along with a good hand shake. Gene, this grouchy old man will miss you beyond words! I am going to strive just a little more to do my best to see that smile and feel that hand shake in that city.

May the peace which goes beyond all understanding bring that deep peace to each and every member of his family! I ask for the same peace which touched myself a little over eighteen years ago be with each of you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

One more for the Camp Meeting.

Camp meeting, oh how I enjoyed this year. The teaching and the preaching were wonderful, even to the point of this old hard shell buying the morning teaching tapes. The wonderful time spent in fellowshipping old friends, looking at, talking about and buying a few books, playing with babies of friends and family. The best part of all, outside of the great tent, was without a doubt time spent over a plate of good food, coffee or iced tea and please don’t forget the pie. I was so happy to see friends who were still with the UPCI, which is not the complete bride of Christ. These friends are like so many others who have had their actions interpreted in one way when they meant the other. The old song says, “His truth is marching on,” Keep on marching truth, and lead the way, may I ever follow truth!!

Just my thoughts today;

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Slide shows?

Just to help me. The slide shows I have posted of camp meeting and other places. Please, you look at them after I put them together.

Are the to long?
Are they to Short?
Are they just about right.
Your input would be greatly appreciated!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Scotland bomber?

"Scotland leader's excuse for freeing bomber, who is terminally ill, is compassion. That, regrettably, was a gift al-Megrahi's victims didn't receive two decades ago."

Lifted from the Chicago Times.

Did the Scotland courts do right?
Did the Scotland courts do wrong?

What kind of car?

Hay mom look a steam car!!

Yes, according to an article I just read. The British have a steam powered car at China Lake or Roger’s dry lake bad. Their goal is a new steam powered speed record the goal is 130 mph. The current record for this type of powered car is, “to surpass the record of 127.6 mph set by Fred Marriott in 1906.”

The complete article is found at;


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Piggy Bank ?

Just a picture for us to think about.