Thursday, February 25, 2010

Health Care !!!!

The republicans stood their ground today!
Hip Hip Hooray ! ! !

God or Goverment (?)

One of the major differences between the right and the left concerns the question of authority: To whom do we owe obedience and who is the ultimate moral authority?

For the right, the primary moral authority is God (or, for secular conservatives, Judeo-Christian values), followed by parents. Of course, government must also play a role, but it is ultimately accountable to God and it should do nothing to undermine parental authority.

For the left, the state and its government are the supreme authorities, while parental and divine authority are seen as impediments to state authority.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Quoye for the day.

Magicians have long known
that distracting an audience is the key
to creating the illusion of magic.
It is also the key to political magic.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Looking for some help ! (?)


I give in! Mrs Palin has a note on the plam of her hand. I don't think this is the, "mark of the beast," by any means.

What was her wrong doing?


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Something to ponder!

A farmer was in need of a hired hand. A man appeared with a letter from his last employer, which read, “Sleeps in the storm.” The farmer thought this to a little odd but because of his need hired the man. The man was an excellent hand. Then one night a terrible storm passed through the country, the farmer jumped out of bed but was unable to arouse his new hired hand. The farmer rushed to his barn to find the animals all in their stalls feed and contend! Off to the field he ran, only to see the bails covered with tarps and staked to the ground! Turning he ran to the silo which was locked and secure! Now he grasp the letter, “Sleeps in the storm.”

My friends if we attend to the things that are important to life, if we are right with those we love and behave in line with our faith our lives will not be cursed with a unfulfilled throb of unfinished business.

Have a little faith, by Mitch Albom

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good point !

"The ongoing debate over sex education has been rekindled by a provocative new study suggesting that teaching abstinence can delay the start of sexual activity among inner-city youngsters — if it is freed from the moralistic overtones and ideological restrictions that were the hallmark of abstinence-only programs under the Bush administration."

My source, of all places the New York Times:

Just my thought today;

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

UC Frisco Medical

We are back home and with a great report from the renal specialist at UCSF. Everything is in balance and there is neither pain nor blood. For this I give GREAT thanks to my Lord and God.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

I got stopped for speeding on the way here.
I felt like I could talk my way out of this ticket.
Until he saw my pup!

Well, better luck next time.

Just for fun;