Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Remember When

I hope you can read this. Yes, it did bring back a LOT of memiores.

Yes, it is from the long gone Woolworth resturants a long time gone. (1955)


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

I didn't live here then, and I would have been just a tot. But I know someone you worked her whole life at Woolworth & Woolco, operating the snack bar, fountain soda machine and such. Dear fellow sister in her mid-eighties now. My, my what a dollar could buy:)

Karen J. Hopper said...

What a fun place Woolworth was. Remember my mom taking me there. My eyes would light up, and it was so hard to decide what to buy. Ah, childhood memories are good.

Just a thought said...

Thank you both for taking the time to wright in my Blog today.
