Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Police: Dad confesses to holding daughter captive 24 years

Yes, I do have a personal opinion about the situation in Texas and the young ladies being forced into marriage. But the children being forced separated form their mother’s is very different.
Yet, today in two news sources I have read this story. This very sad and deviant situation designed for personal use and pleasure only, personal opinion.

Here is the link should you care to read the story;



Saturday, April 26, 2008

Getting a little farther from young.

I was reading another blog this evening, the wrinkles, the change of hair color, all by its self, the time of getting a little slower. We are all moving toward the place where the Bro. Job commented, “Job 14:2 He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.” Don’t sound very good to me. But then I remember several years ago I was at a funeral of a mutual friend. I was sitting with an old friend and we were taking abut the changes of life we were both going through. His words of wisdom still ring in my ears. “Growing old is not for cowards or sissies.”

So very true my old friend, so very true. I hope to be one of those who grows old and is still able to enjoy life as much as I am able.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Red Skelton and his I Pledge Allegiance to the flag..

As I was watching Sis. Buxton’s blog and I thought of this short clip by Red Skelton and his Pelage allegiance. Some of you may not know this name, as it goes way back in time, but this worth the time you will invest in watching and listening to it.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

I am placing a personal option!~

The removing of mothers and their children form the family sitting in the great state of Texas. What is going on here? What have I missed? The police went into several homes, removed the mothers and their children. No violence, no confrontation, just cooperation. A bus driver on one of the buses used to transport mothers and children was asked, what did they do once on your bus? They sang church songs. Have you taken the time to look at the news pictures of these ladies? Don’t they look a great deal like old time Holiness women?
Was or has the sixteen year old that made the primary call been found? Just a wild thought, was there a sixteen year old or was someone wanting to get inside that compound? Has anyone heard any part of her 911 call? Has anyone hear of any evidence of abuse, with the exception of young ladies being “forced” into early marriage?
This morning I pulled this from the Washington Post dated April 24, “SAN ANGELO, Tex., April 23 -- The phone calls that triggered a massive raid on a polygamist compound in west Texas -- in which a quavering girl's voice described being forcibly married at 15 -- have been linked to a Colorado woman with a history of making false claims of sexual abuse, according to an affidavit filed in Colorado Springs.” Now what is going to happen to this situation in Texas? Can it all be put back together or will the state continue on its path of, “the state knows best.”
Please remember that not to far back in our history many times a young lady married an older man (?). Has anyone heard of the children being abused? Or, has the great state of Texas stepped in just to to, I have no idea what they want to prove. Now they are separating these mothers form all of their children, except those under one year of age. NO! I do not agree with one man being married to, or to have multiply wives. I remember in days gone by that this was a common practice. Why? It was used to help preserve a family, a nation or a religion.
Allow me a few moments to reflect on these children. They have been separated from their mother and father. They have been told that they, mom and dad, that their parents had done some wrong. They are forced into new homes and families, different set of religious and cultural standards. They will be forced to adapt to a completely new standard and way of life, with the real possibility of being very different from what and how they were taught until just a few weeks ago. What is the spiritual, cultural, social and emotional trauma that these children and young people must endure?
If this gets through the wonderful court system and they keep these families separated, what next. Might you or I see the time when the wonderful courts might come into our homes because they heard we are abusing our children by keeping them form a certain T.V. show, certain movies, some video games, premarital sex, the choice is yours.



Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This is an outrage (2)

I was so upset yesterday when I went to times’ web site and saw their choice of a cover. I wanted to hit my monitor. The rage and sadness that consumed me was very deep. I have seen the life size bronze statues of the rising of our flag by those brave men on that little island called Iwo Jima. I stood there and cried for the valor, for the commitment, for the goal and deep understanding that these men, not those few who raised the standard of our nation. But, those who fought bravely from one little island rock to the next. The men who flew the air craft to defend our nation. Then to see this depiction! What do they want us to receive from it, the depiction? Do the ask us to place Al Gore in his effort to drive America back to the nineteenth century on the same level as these MEN? Are we to except his depiction of global warming as a flag to rise in the form of a tree? Have they, the time Warner people become, become converts to the “church of the global warming?” Yes, I am a little more in control of Mervi today. I do not believe in the THEORY of the c.g.w. there are far too many other sources of information that are in direct opposition to this scheme. To list a few, NASA, Society of Meteorologist, the pope of the c.g.w. has refused over four-hundred times to debate his belief.

"At approximately 10:20 a.m., the flag was hoisted on a steel pipe above the island. The sight of the small American flag flying from atop Mount Suribachi thrilled men all over the island. And for the first time during WWII, an American flag was flying above what was considered traditional Japanese territory. This symbol of victory sent a wave of strength to the battle-weary fighting men below, and struck a further mental blow against the island's defenders” (eyewitnesstohistory.com).

I hope to be like the Marine in the front, weapon at ready, face determined to defend, with the goal to protect those who hold HIGH the standard of our great and wonderful country.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Have you seen the cover of this weeks time magazine??
I did not spent my money for this rag, I copied it from their web site.

For them to change one of Americans greatest war time photos to this.
Is almost more than I can stomach.

(Personal opinion.)

Monday, April 21, 2008

And there he abode.

Joh 10:39 Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand,
Joh 10:40 And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized; and there he abode

There have been many times in my short life when I have returned to the place were I was baptized. Not in my body by my mind and spirit. To sit and remember that day of new beginnings.
To once more come to the realization that Yes, He knew me before I was born. Yes, He still has His hand in my life. The sad point, is that far to many times His hand can only work as much as I will allow Him to work. To allow my spirit to be calm as, I come to the understanding that He has allowed me to escape for the hand of the one who would love to destroy me.
We all need that time and place to once more allow the Hand of Jesus to calm us and make us aware of His protection.

May you find the pace you need for this day.

Tomorrow is a new question.


Friday, April 18, 2008

One guitar and four hands.

For all the music lovers who stop by;

Take a look six strings with twenty fingers.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dim Bulb (?)

I lifted this piece of information from Thomas Sowell’s column at Townhall.com.
Are being force feed a real error? What is the real goal of our political leaders?

"The latest political crusade is the crusade to replace ordinary light bulbs with the new CFL light bulb that is supposed to save electricity, reducing the need for fossil fuels and helping the fight against global warming.
Since crusaders seldom stop to weigh the cost of what they are advocating, it is especially important that the rest of us do so before we get swept along by rhetoric and emotions
With the CFL light bulb, the initial cost -- several times that of a regular light bulb -- is only the financial cost. A bigger problem is what to do if a CFL light bulb breaks.
You are supposed to shut off all air conditioners or heaters, to keep them from circulating mercury vapor from the broken CFL. You are supposed to open windows and doors to air out the place.
Pregnant women and small children are supposed to leave the area while the mess is being cleaned up by someone else, wearing a dust mask and gloves.
What if there is only a pregnant woman present, with or without small children? And what if there is no dust mask around?
CFL light bulbs are only the latest in a long line of "solutions" that can turn out to be worse than the problem it is supposed to solve. But the crusaders will keep selling their solutions as long as we keep buying them.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mom or best friend ?

No! I have never been a mother, sorry only a dad. Yet, I have seen the following in many situations. And I have never felt it was a good pattern to follow.

"Clinical psychologist Stephan Poulter, who works with family relationships, has come up with five categories that he finds fit most mothers. He finds the group that is on the rise is mothers who want to be best friends with their children.
But he said going partying with your children, wearing the same clothes as them, trying to keep up with their youth with breast implants and surgery, erodes all boundaries -- and leaves the children without a mother who can guide them.

Here is the link to the complete article by Mr. Poulter.



Friday, April 11, 2008

A Point Of Honesty ?

ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) -

Car cleaners at a Russian firm got a surprise when they cleaned out a vacuum cleaner this week: a diamond pendant worth up to 300,000 euros ($475,400).
"I didn't know how much it was worth at first so I got a jeweler to come around and he said it was worth as much as 300,000 euros," Vladimir Shapiro, owner of the car cleaning firm in Russia's northern city of St Petersburg, told Reuters.

"When I heard the value my jaw dropped to the floor," he said. "You would have to notice losing something like this."

He said he was not going to disclose much about the pendant so that he could return it to its true owner.

How would you handle this if you were in the same situation?


Do you believe in evolution?

Watch this short clip and it might alter your outlook:


I enjoyed it,


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Thank You !!

I feel humbled.

You, Mervi humbled?

Yes, me!

In my short time blogging over six hundred have stopped by to look and read. To each of you I say thank you.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I would ask those who stop by to ponder a question for the day.

Is there a difference between a misquotation and a lie?

Your comments please.

Prayer request (2)

My deceased wife's mother is not doing well. She has diabetes and is in the stage of kidney failure. They are evaluating her chances with the hip surgery.

I would ask that you continue to prayer for my son and his wife. They are her caregivers and close to her.


Monday, April 7, 2008

Prayer Request !

No! Not for myself or my close family.

My diciest wife, Dana, her mother fell last night and broker her hip. My request is that our Lord would touch her as she is in the hospital.

Please call Rogene's name in prayer and that of my son and his wife as they care for her.

Thank you!


Friday, April 4, 2008

In memory Of Martin Luther King

Today is one of those sad days in and for America, as we remember the end of a life. This is the day, forty years gone by, that Dr. Martin Luther King’s life was brought to an end.

As I was riding into Porterville this morning on the radio I heard this comment by a friend of Dr. King’s, sorry I did not get his name. “You may kill the dreamer, but the dream still lives on.”

I am of the deep personal option that this one mans dreaming has change our nation, for the better. Your personal feelings about Dr. King and his lifes mission, matters little, we, as a nation lost a great dreamer that day in Memphis.

My family and I lived in Memphis for about four years. I did take my two sons to the Lorraine Motel. I did the best I could to give meaning for what had happened at this site to a six and four year old. Even to this day, forty years latter, we still speak of that day as we stood in the parking lot and looked up at a balcony. Of what that day and that one man’s life meant to our lives and to our nation.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

A lesson in the new math.

I hope that a teacher or two will see this and enjoy a laugh.



Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What a Mom would say (!!)

Just for fun.

What a mother would say in twenty-four hours condensed to three minutes.



Time to Stand Up!

Here is a song and a video by Aretha Franklin.


It is worth the watching.
