Friday, April 4, 2008

In memory Of Martin Luther King

Today is one of those sad days in and for America, as we remember the end of a life. This is the day, forty years gone by, that Dr. Martin Luther King’s life was brought to an end.

As I was riding into Porterville this morning on the radio I heard this comment by a friend of Dr. King’s, sorry I did not get his name. “You may kill the dreamer, but the dream still lives on.”

I am of the deep personal option that this one mans dreaming has change our nation, for the better. Your personal feelings about Dr. King and his lifes mission, matters little, we, as a nation lost a great dreamer that day in Memphis.

My family and I lived in Memphis for about four years. I did take my two sons to the Lorraine Motel. I did the best I could to give meaning for what had happened at this site to a six and four year old. Even to this day, forty years latter, we still speak of that day as we stood in the parking lot and looked up at a balcony. Of what that day and that one man’s life meant to our lives and to our nation.


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