Saturday, April 26, 2008

Getting a little farther from young.

I was reading another blog this evening, the wrinkles, the change of hair color, all by its self, the time of getting a little slower. We are all moving toward the place where the Bro. Job commented, “Job 14:2 He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.” Don’t sound very good to me. But then I remember several years ago I was at a funeral of a mutual friend. I was sitting with an old friend and we were taking abut the changes of life we were both going through. His words of wisdom still ring in my ears. “Growing old is not for cowards or sissies.”

So very true my old friend, so very true. I hope to be one of those who grows old and is still able to enjoy life as much as I am able.



Karen J. Hopper said...

You might say that age doesn't matter if we are YOUNG AT HEART.

Just a thought said...

The one thing that has or is keeping me young in my heart is the wonderful great-grand-daughter.
