Monday, December 3, 2007

That trinity of need

This is barrowed from John Leax professor of English at Houghton College:

His fathered flame dusted dull
By ice cold,
The cardinal hunched
into the rough, green feeder
but ate no seed.

Through binoculars I saw
Festered and useless
His beak, broken
at the root.

Then two: blazing, one gray,
Rode the swirling weather
Into my vision
And lighted at his side.

Unhurried as if possessing
The patients of God,
They cracked sunflowers
And feed him
Beak to broken beak
Choice meats.

Each morning and afternoon
The winter long,
That odd triumvirate,
That trinity of need,
Returned an ate
Their sacrament
Of broker seed.

Let us, Mervi included, look and see. Is there a broken beaked soul close to me!!



Unknown said...

Just came by to say hello to you and your sweet wife.

Shirley Buxton

Just a thought said...

Sis: Buxton:

Thank you for stopping by.
