Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Day After.

Well here we are the day after Super Tuesday. What has changed? Not much for me, just a little added confusion as to who will be the set candidates for the two Political Parties. To lift the title from an old movie, “the good, the bad and the ugly,” but PLEASE don’t ask me which is which. At this point in time, I plan to just sit back, read a lot, and follow the print media, the radio media and the news on the net along with a few blogs. By doing this I hope to follow, not only, who says what but who does what as well.

Yes, as the Election Day gets closer I will be asking my Lord for some guidance. As I write these words my mind goes to a story I heard some time back. “A man and his wife were getting ready to go vote. Well we need to ask the Lord to guide us, was his comment. I don’t need to, I’ve already made up my mind, was her response. No, I am not quite that bad.
I would love to read comments or ideas.


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