Monday, March 2, 2009

"Even the most skilled money manager can make bad bets. Legendary investor Warren Buffet, who has enriched himself and his clients immeasurably, had a very bad year if it makes you feel any better.
The greedy banker forced by misguided laws to make mortgage loans to clients who do not meet the standard of prudent lending guidelines is to be excoriated. The applicant who takes advantage of overly lenient lending laws to buy houses to flip in a short time is not? The applicant who knows that they cannot repay the loan they are offered is not?
My point here is not that all money managers are blameless, nor that all homeowners who face foreclosure are to be blamed. The point is that your worries about the economy are being manipulated to make you do what politicians want, and what they want is not always good for you or for the economy.
Your best defense against an unruly world is the knowledge in your own head."

I lifted this comment from the following blog;

Thanks for coming by today;

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