Thursday, May 29, 2008

FUEL (?)

We all have had thoughts and some have expressed their thoughts into words about the horrific cost of fuel. By looking at the signs, when I fuel my Chevy pickup tomorrow I will lay out about $80.00. MAN, I hate to admit it but I can remember gas at $0.19, the days of the old fashion gas war is long gone.

Will now we have another type or style of fuel war on our hands.

But or however, has anyone noticed or seen the rising cost of a different fuel, the fuel for our bodies. What is commonly called food? A loaf of bread, a can of green beans or corn, lettuce for a salad and on it goes. Are we approaching that point where we will be, almost forced, to decide. Let me see do I gas up the car or do I walk to the grocer store? And once there how much will we be able to purchase?

Yes, I do see some tight times approaching us. I do see the fact that we, as a nation or society, are using human fuel, corn, for vehicle fuel. Somewhere at sometime I feel or think we, as a nation or society, missed something.



Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Young neighbor girl telling how she is afraid to "waste" too much milk for cereal so she skips breakfast to leave for the youngest ones...
"Come to my house to eat honey" I said.

Just a thought said...
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Just a thought said...

Yes, we must put an effort into helping thoes others around us.

AMEN, Mervi

Karen J. Hopper said...

The increase in "FUEL(S)" costs is definitely starting to change our lifestyle.

Walls Down Church Kids said...

I don't shop for groceries every wk and couldn't believe the difference between a couple of weeks! and with 3 teen boys in the house! something has got to break this cycle