Thursday, May 8, 2008

That smallest member

"The boneless tongue, so small and weak,"
"Can crush and kill", declare the Greek?
“The tongue destroys a greater horde,”
The Turks assets, “then does the sword.”
The Prussian proverb wisely saith,
“A lengthy tongue – and early death,”
Or sometimes takes this form instead
“Don’t let your tongue cut off your head.”
“The tongue can speak a word with speed,”
Say the Chinese “outstrips the steed.”
The Arab sage said in part,
“The tongue great store house is the heart.”
From Hebrew was the maxim sprung,
“Thy feet should slip, but ne’er the tongue.”
The sacred writer crowns the whole,
“Who keeps the tongue, keeps his soul.”

The solution to the arms race . . . rising rates of crime . . .
Abuse and divorce . . . may very well lie . . .
In the tongue

Borrowed from, “God’s little devotion book (1995)"


Karen J. Hopper said...

Well, shut my mouth! LOL Seriously, good post.

Just a thought said...

Thank you Karen H.