Monday, February 16, 2009

The storm?

Last Friday evening my wife, my mother-in-law and myself took some time and went shopping. What for nothing just a little time away from home. We stopped to get a bite to eat then as we came out of the restaurant we saw this large ominous dark cloud coming from the South East. My mother-in-law commented, “We had better beat that cloud home,” so off we went headed for home. We got her home as the cloud became more and more precarious out of the South East. But no rain or wind. My wife and I went on home empted the car and settled down for the evening. As I was reading several times I looked outside, there was that dark prevailing cloud and it was just getting darker and darker every time I looked outside. Still there was no rain or wind just a dark quite evening. As we retired that night my wife and both expected to find the morning wet and foreboding. When we arouse the next morning everything was dry and sunlight. No storm, no rain and no wind.
I have ofter considered, how often do we / I upon seeing that dark foreboding cloud enter an area of my life. I watch it with all caution and with full expectation of an appalling storm, with rain and wind and destruction. Only to awake in the morning to find everything just as it was! No rain, no wind and no destruction.

Just a thought as I pass this way;

1 comment:

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

The Bible does instruct us about times like this... But more often than not, it's not our first reaction.