Friday, April 3, 2009

The Cost ?

I have just finished reading an article in the Bakersfield paper. The story is about a race track that in is in the process of being build west of Bakersfield. It is in finical trouble to the tune of about $5 million dollars. No, I am not a race fan; I had an uncle who was very much involved many years back with one of the valleys early drivers. My real thought was the story in the Bible about the man who was going to build a tower and failed to compute the cost. This man left a part of the equation out of his Excel spread sheet. Or he might have just flat overlooked a part of the project. Was the oversight intentional? No! I really do think so, just an error in figuring. He failed to take the time to review all aspect of his tower.
Is there a project in your life or mine? Have we taken the time to look at all the sides? Have we, myself included, weighted the finical, emotions, spiritual and relational cost of this project?

Just my thought as I pass this way today;


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