Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Part 2

This morning as Jesus is walking toward the Temple grounds. His disciples see a different look in His eyes, He stops and picks up a short piece of wood, then a couple of lengths of cord that has been cast aside. Then a couple more as they approach the temple gate. Jesus stops and begins to brad the lengths of cord which He has picked up and then He tied them around the handle. He shakes it a time or two in His hand then swings it over His head and He smiles. What on earth is He planning to do this morning? I think I will kind of stay out of the way, you know I don’t what to be to close. He has a very differ look about Him this morning. With a strong and definite stride He approaches the table of those who would change you money into the temple shekel. It happened so fast that no one really knew where the commotion came from at first, “You pack of thieves, you have made My temple a den for thieves, not a place of prayer and worship.” Over the tables went! Little gold coins scatting all over the place, as they bent to pick up their wares He put the whip He had made to good use. Hay ouch, man ouch get that whip away from Him! He turned as quickly to those who were selling animals for the sacrifice and brought His whip down on their backs as well. There were men running coins rolling everywhere, doves flying form their over turned cages, lambs blatting in the confusion.

Oh Lord! When you come to my temple, my deepest desire is that You would feel at home. That my temple would be the one You desire as a place of worship and prayer.

Just my thoughts as I pass this way today;

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