Friday, May 29, 2009

Some old stories.

The following ramblings were opened by Jewel Divinely Rare.

My mind, over the last few days after reading Karen’s entry has dwelt on the time we spend during my teenage years. Prayer meetings. Wow!! I can remember the young people gathering on Friday night, the boys in the alter area and the girls in a larger upstairs class room. I mean until the sun would shine in the East windows of that old building. You could hear someone in the dark under a pew crying and lifting their voice to the Lord. The girls crying shouting and you could hear the moving of the Spirit.
How about a 24 hour prayer chain? The men took the hours from about eight pm until about seven am. What about during church service? No problem! More than once you could hear someone crying and praying behind the platform area. When the hour was up, you would see someone get up and quietly walk out. In just a few moments someone would come into service as the prayer guard was changed.
What did all this bring? I still hold memories of a light blue cloud moving across that congregation, just below the ceiling. Sometimes from side to side and other times front to back. NO! I was not seeing things because too many times several us we young men would stand in Aw as we witnessed the move of God.
Something like this, I think is how the text reads, this kind cometh only by prayer and fasting. Fasting, will I may dig up some old stories of young men fasting.

Just a though as I pass this way:


Karen J. Hopper said...

I know people want to say that was part of the past but it was part of the Pentecostal experience - and oh how God moved in our midst. We would have 30-day prayer and fasting calendars for the young people in Fresno - and they were as faithful as could be. Every night we would meet for prayer. I loved that time, and pray that it will resurface in our churches. Not that we don't have good churches but to meet the end time needs, we must have great praying churches.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

This is the need.