Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blanket of white.

I was looking for a winter’s picture when I came across this one. I just sat and stared at it. The memories of being a, “little dinky dude,” in Nebraska and Iowa just would not stop. Those wonderful mornings after a fresh new snow, the world was covered in undaunted white as far as one could see. No foot prints. No trail to follow, just one gigantic blanket of white. Sometimes three to four feet deep and sometimes more, you could see the little wisp of white as that North wind blew across the surface of the snow. So cold that even with several layers of clothing you still did not want to play outside very long. Get wet? That snow was just like powder it just fell off of you when you were brushed with a broom. Then as the day would ware on, people moved about this would bring an end to the enduring beauty of that blanket of white.
Several years ago I had to fly from LAX into Chicago. The weather was great in California, and then as soon as we flew over the Rocky Mountains all you could see was white and that was from 30,000 plus feet. One black strip was cut across that great blanket. That was it once in a while you would see a city with no sign of movement. The beauty of the huge white covering extending as far as you could see. Just the simple beauty of our God.

Just a beautful sight as I pass this way;

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