Thursday, January 1, 2009

A prayer request!

To all my friends in the land of Blog, I have a prayer request.

This coming Tuesday (the 5th) Virginia and I will be in the Urology center at UCSF. My body has been throwing off “large” Kidney cyst. These have all been on the right kidney and if you cut a two liter bottle in half, that is about the size of the cyst. This is the third one to be removed and Dr. Stoller is concerned that he may have to remove the kidney itself. I go in for surgery about 7:30 am, I say about because we all know how Medical time secludes run. I am asking your prayers for myself, Virginia and those in the operating theater.

When I get home I will post the outcome of this surgery for all our friends.



Karen J. Hopper said...

Will be praying.

Just a thought said...

Thank You!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Praying for both of you, but extra for your surgery.

And a Blessed New Year!!!