Monday, November 12, 2007

Veterans Day

I had, he drank himself to death at about 40, a brother who was a Vietnam Vet. Larry was a very hard worker but he brought home, with him, too many memories of those muddy rice paddies. Those paddies covered in blood floating on top of the rice. Yet, in my passing through this life, I have had the fortune or the misfortune of meeting another type of Veterans. Those who were wounded in the battle for the Cross and their comrades walked off and left them to die or stood afar and shoot at them as they tried to find a Medic or cover form the incoming, “friendly fire.” I have sat with tears in my eyes as I listened to these men and women tell their stories. Do I take it all as right and correct, NO. But I do try to balance some of it and offer a helping hand and a caring heart to them. Yes, they took their eyes off of the Cross and watched a MAN. Yet, how or what can be done to help them, “find a place of repentance.”
Those who wear the colors of our country I salute you. Those who carry the marks of Christ I salute you.

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