Monday, March 17, 2008

Anne Sullivan & Helen Keller (The question)

I have read the encounter of these two women several times in my life. But today let me ask you this question.

Would we have the great writings of Helen Keller if Anne Sullivan had not seen something in that small blind child? How much the world of literature would be shorted by not having Helen Keller? We would not have the wonderful story of motivation for people of all walks of life to read and see how the worst in life can be over come.

I have stopped more than once in my life with the probing question. Have I stepped over another Helen Keller? Was there someone placed in my path for me to reach out the hand of help and that person forever change the world? Was there a beggar placed at my door and I failed, because of hast of life or a moment of unconcern, and I stepped over another Helen Keller? Did I miss the wounded man lying by the side of the road that could become one of the greatest preachers of our time, just because something about him did not meet my criteria?

Oh Lord Jesus, help Mervi become more aware of those in need of help, that are within my reach!

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