Sunday, March 16, 2008

It is just a tie.

Sunday morning at the Clark’s.

I have picked the sport coat and slacks I plan to ware today. It was hung on the door and my wife had laid out a tie, I have that male curse COLOR BLINDNESS. I stood for a moment and looked at the tie. My mind went back a number of years; I was standing outside out church talking with a Pastor who was preaching that weekend for us. “Man I really like that tie.” My friend pulled it loses and said here take it and remember me. That I did this morning as I picked up the tie and started to tie it, I wonder how my friend is doing. Jesus bless his services today, Lord give him wisdom and understanding as he passes through this day and Master touch his wife and children also. Just a few moments ago I walked down the hall to pickup my laptop. In the mirror I saw that tie. Lord, touch my friend this afternoon; let Your love move through his family and congregation this day.

I really enjoy this man, his style of preaching, his kind words, his burden for God and His kingdom and his willingness to be a friend in return.

The best Jesus has for you my friend!


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