Saturday, March 15, 2008

Elections (?)

Presidential Elections

What a thought of terror! How does one decide who or which political party to support, if not with money, then with effort or my one vote? I have spent some time in thought about who Mervi will cast his one solitaire ballot for. I try not to look at the letter following the name as much as how, I personally feel he/she they will support the policies that are important to me.
NO! I have not reached that decision as I write these words. Yet, there are something’s that I am very positive of.
One, I have no plan to vote for someone whose plan is to try and remove the struggles from life. Yes, I plan to keep on doing the best I can in and with the problems of life. To quote a radio personality, I have no desire to be protected, “from the cradle to the grave.”
Two, there are those in political office who believe that to elevate the tax load will bring an end to this, and all, recessions. I would much rather spend my money, then the government. A government that would like to take what I, earn by the sweet of my face or my brain and give it to someone who is under privileged. Less privileged by whose benchmark? How would they, the goverment, take it? By the good old law of taxation.
Three, how about giving everyone healthcare? With a very few, an extremely small percentile of people are not able to get their medical needs taken care of. Or should I use the words, “Health Insurance.” Is there a difference? YES! Just take the time to consider the two questions. Healthcare or Health Insurance?

Just the wonderings of my old brain;

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