Saturday, September 13, 2008

Great-grand-pa X's two

On the evening of Sept. 11, 2008 we were blessed with our second Great-Grand Child. Yes, a boy. His stats are 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 inch's long. Michael Evertt Clark.

His mother Amanda.

Dad is Mike Jr

Uncle Don and Aunt Dena.

My four generations. Me with hat, Don holding Mike III and Dad.

Great-Grand-father & Great-Grand-mother.

Once more to see the beginning of a new life.
Yes, it touches the heart and soul of this old man.
But to be present and see the start of a new life in the Spirit of God.
Do not forget the day of beginnings.


Karen J. Hopper said...

Here's to the greatgrands - Congratulations Mervi and Virginia.

Just a thought said...
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Just a thought said...

Really Sis. Hopper, all I did was stand in the way and take pictures. But thanks anyway.


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Congratulations!!! God bless this young family.

momof7gmaof2 said...

Great grandpa,
I don't mean to correct you, but i am going to because it not only offends myself but my children. first, Mike is not a jr. second, Don and Dena are not aunt and uncle to little michael but rather grandma and grandpa due to raising the daddy. I hope this doesn't offend you. You may not even remember that we raised your grandchildren, but we did. Hey if you ever need any help remembering who's who let me know I'll help.
much love,your daughter in law