Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Camp Meeting (2)

Yesterday morning, as I was walking around the camp meeting grounds, I stopped and watched thought the fog of time and memory. Where a small stage now stands there was a tent trailer, a man and his wife, two small boys. In the evening, before camp had started, there would be ball games, horse shoes, kick ball and lots of laughing and eating. Those who stayed in trailers had lots of excitement, when someone either turned on their A C or hot rollers only to blow a fuse, no one had electricity. The fog moved back in and then back out and there was the same group, the boys are now in their teen years and no longer riding the pedal power three wheelers but now on bikes and sometimes stopping to talk with some girls. There came the fog moved in once more, the stage is there, much better power and water hookups, larger trailers and more of them, the size of the camp meeting has so increased.

Would I like to go back to those days gone by? Some times yes, then sometimes no.


1 comment:

Karen J. Hopper said...

It's good to look back, but in God's business, it's good to look forward too.