Monday, August 18, 2008

Money = (?) Election (?)

I saw this quote this morning and it set my mind to whirling and grinding. Is Mr. Dobbs implying that those who give or better said contribute, to a given political campaign are those who receive preferential treatment? Who ever wins the White House race will be FRIST obligated to those or perhaps the one who gave / contributed the most money?

“Sure, the candidates are talking about providing economic relief to the struggling middle class. But they’re spending their actual time and resources seeking endorsements—and most importantly, cash—from corporate CEOs and the ultra-rich, who are able to give the maximum legal contributions. Of course, no one gives away big money without expecting something in return. And whoever wins in November, it’ll be those big corporate donors who are fist in line for favors, while ordinary Americans continue to struggle for basic necessities.”
Mr. Dobbs web site from which I copied the above,

Where then dose or will this leave we who are those who were not able to amass enough Thomas Jeffersons or Benjamin Franklins to appeal to the winner?

Where will the needs of those who fail to contribute in the proper amount come in the natural flow of government?

Has our form of government become the best money can by?

Yes!! In my opinion we, as a country do need a change. However, I am not skilled enough to have the proper or correct information or smarts to design the change we need.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my thoughts.


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