Friday, November 14, 2008

Am I listening (?)

I get a regular article from this Jewish school. I very much enjoy some of the thoughts and ideas that they present concerning the Old Testament and the Torah. Here is part of this mornings article.

Ziegler School of Rebbinic Studies
Rabbi Cheryl Peretz, Associate Dean Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies

"Communication - the two-way exchange of ideas, facts,
thoughts or feelings - is the key to any successful relationship.
The reality, as Steven Covey, author of
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,
outlines is that most people do not
listen with the intent to understand,
they listen with the intent to reply.
The failure to listen, to hear, is not just about the words
that are missed, but cuts to the core of the connection
that exists between two people.
.When one person feels like another is not listening,
it creates a deep abyss, a void so intense that it
leaves one feeling invisible, lonely, violated.
Over time, it can destroy any good parts that
remain in the relationship.
And, while this can happen in any relationship,
it is so much more difficult in the most intimate ones,
between life partners."
Just a thought for the day;


DeadMule said...

Great post Mervi. "... most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply. " How true. How condemning. I think Wordsworth was right, "We murder to dissect," and maybe even think we are doing a good deed at the time.

I think understanding others is the key to living in peace.

Just a thought said...

I am not sure about understanding others. Personal, I do owe they the best I can do, not to listen, but make an effort to hear them in the here and now.


Karen J. Hopper said...

Agree with Helen 100%.