Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prop 8

Please bear with the lengthy article I barrowed from Dennis Prager this afternoon. I have been somewhat amazed, concerned, troubled and down right confused. Those who saw Prop 8 fail are now out in arms and in larger groups that I thought to see. The backers of Prop 8 are letting the world know that they have been wronged. Mr. Prager’s article makes a lot of good old common sense to me. I would ask you to at least read the portions I chose to copy. For the complete article the URL is at the end.

"Gay is the new black is one of the mottos of the movement to redefine marriage to include two people of the same sex.
The likening of the movement for same-sex marriage to the black civil rights struggle is a primary argument of pro same-sex marriage groups. This comparison is a major part of the moral appeal of redefining marriage: Just as there were those who once believed that blacks and whites should not be allowed to be married, the argument goes, there are today equally bigoted individuals who believe that men should not be allowed to marry men and women should not be allowed to marry women.
It is worth noting that the people least impressed with the comparison of the gay struggle to redefine marriage with the black struggle for racial equality are blacks. They voted overwhelmingly for Californias Proposition 8 which amends the California Constitution to define marriage as being the union of a man and a woman.
The fact is that states like California already grant people who wish to live and love a member of the same sex virtually every right that marriage bestows except the word married.

A certain number of gay men will feel better if they can call their partner husband and some lesbians will enjoy calling their partner wife, but society as a whole is not benefitted by such a redefinition of those words
And so, the movement appropriates the symbols and rhetoric of the back civil rights struggle when that struggle and the movement to redefine marriage have next to nothing in common."


Thank you stopping by, your comments would be appricated;



DeadMule said...

Take a look at the column by Leonard Pitts http://www.miamiherald.com/living/columnists/leonard-pitts/story/767511.html

Separate is NOT equal. Do you know any gay people? And know how they feel?

Just a thought said...

Yes, Helen I do have several homosexual friends, both male and female. One is quit happy with the way the laws are. The other has express a desire for change, but was noit real supporter of Prop 8.

I am headed to the url you left and will read it and comment.

Just a thought said...

I just completed reading the article in the Miami paper. I took the leisure to lift some quotes and offer MY comments and feelings.

“Surely there is nothing in politics easier than to rouse a majority of voters against the ''threat'' of gay people being treated like people.”

I know that the Homosexual community has its share of problems brought upon it. The same as the Black community both by those we fear and hate. PLEASE Helen, try to grasp I have no problem, dislike, fear or your choice of words for the human being in that life style. Anymore that the druggie, the alcoholic, the persons engaged in sex without marriage or what ever. It is the action that I do not like.

“For the umpteenth time how people who have known so much of oppression can turn around and oppress.”

We both know Helen that people who have been oppressed seek someone else to oppress. That is just part of the human dark side.

“They use an obscure passage from the Bible to claim God has ordained the mistreatment of gays, don't they hear an echo of white people using that Bible to claim God ordained the mistreatment of blacks?”

As for the Black community I have know Preachers who were good men, just a little unlearned and taught by their dad’s. Who preached against the Black people, I just could not go that route!! Yes, I know off handed two “obscure passages” which deal with homosexuality these are Lev. 18:2 & Lev. 20:13. No commentary from me.

“Sadly, we are sometimes the first. That tells you something about how seductive a thing intolerance is, how difficult it can be to resist the serpent whisper that says it's OK to ridicule and marginalize those people over there because they look funny, or talk funny, worship funny or love funny. So in the end, we struggle with the same imperative as from ages ago: to overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice. But if last week's vote taught us nothing else, it taught us that persistence plus faith equals change.”

I do not marginalize people because the look funny! I do not marginalize people because they talk funny! I can not marginalize people because they worship funny! My question with the author of this article is how he is using “love funny” love to me is not sex! Love is an affection we, as humans, have for many things. Sex is all together different, my personal opinion.
